I don’t know about your students, but my students are not big fans of reading.
It’s tedious for them and they don’t enjoy it!
Every week, I have to DIBELS test my 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
To make this task easier for me…*cough cough* the students, I implement a reward system each year.
This year, we are “Pinning Up Great Reading!”

Here’s how it works.
After taking baseline data, I conference with each student. We look at their fluency, accuracy, and retell scores.
We discuss what area they think they should work on improving—with guidance of course.
If they reach their goal or are above their aim line on the weekly DIBELS testing, they not only get a piece of candy—they get a pennant!

I then write the accomplishment on the pennant and hang it up for all to see.
They are extremely concerned if I forget to make a pennant by the time they come back to see me!

That pressure keeps me on my toes.
Each student also has pocket that they keep their goal in for easy access and reminders.

Like I said before, there are three types of goals they can choose: Fluency, Accuracy or Retell.

I have my students set their goals on these goal strips.
Because you all are so great (and read this post), my goal sheets are free until Saturday!
Follow the link below to get this great student accountability resource!