Friday, October 2, 2015

Pinning Up Great Reading: Reading Encouragement

Hey Friends!
I don’t know about your students, but my students are not big fans of reading.
It’s tedious for them and they don’t enjoy it!
Every week, I have to DIBELS test my 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
To make this task easier for me*cough cough* the students, I implement a reward system each year.
This year, we are “Pinning Up Great Reading!”
Here’s how it works.
After taking baseline data, I conference with each student. We look at their fluency, accuracy, and retell scores.
We discuss what area they think they should work on improvingwith guidance of course.

If they reach their goal or are above their aim line on the weekly DIBELS testing, they not only get a piece of candythey get a pennant!
I cut the pennants from this gorgeous paper I found at Michaels.

I then write the accomplishment on the pennant and hang it up for all to see.

They are extremely concerned if I forget to make a pennant by the time they come back to see me!
That pressure keeps me on my toes.
Each student also has pocket that they keep their goal in for easy access and reminders.
Like I said before, there are three types of goals they can choose: Fluency, Accuracy or Retell.

I have my students set their goals on these goal strips.

Because you all are so great (and read this post), my goal sheets are free until Saturday!
Follow the link below to get this great student accountability resource!


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Christmas in July Sale!!

Hey friends!!

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm just enjoying my summer!

Maybe I'll give you all an update soon...

Let's get to the real reason we are all here--Indiana Teacher Bloggers are having a sale! Whoo Hoo!

It's actually a Christmas in July Sale.

Look below and check out all the great deals!

I'll update you soon--PROMISE!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Currently July 2015

Happy July!!

There’s good news and bad news.

Good news- Summer is going great!
Bad news- Summer is almost over for me.

But, I’m not going to dwell on this.

It’s time for Currently July 2015 with Oh Boy 4th grade!

One of my favorite summer shows is Big Brother. I love the competitions, the alliances, and the back-dooring. I missed last night’s episode, so I’m catching up for tonight’s excitement!

I love summer break! Sleeping in is my favorite thing at the moment. I am also enjoying staying up as late as I want. I’m going out to eat wayyy too much. This whole summer thing is spoiling me rotten.

I updated my phone and I now have a new iTunes app. I don’t like it! It’s too complicated AND it messed up my playlists! I don’t use the radio in the car, so I really need my playlists to be on point!

I really want/need to get a pedicureenough said!

I have so many projects and units that I want to complete this summer. I really need to get to work and check something off my to do list.

All Star
I think that my ability to multi-task makes me an all star. As a special ed teacher, I have to juggle so much at one time while staying calm, cool, and collected. I can’t let my kiddos see me frazzled! When I’m frazzled, they are frazzled x 10and we can’t have that!